How To Use Durham's® Water Putty

Durham’s is the go-to product for homeowners and handypersons for making repairs to wood, drywall, patching plastic, tile, and many more uses. Durham’s stays put and does not shrink. It can be sawed, chisled, sanded, polished and colored. Use Durham’s for lasting repairs.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Area to be repaired should be free of dust, grit and oil. Pour dry putty into a clean dish and add water little by
little, mixing as water is added until desired consistency is reached (about 3 parts powder to 1 part water by
weight). Prepare only the quantity needed as it sets quickly. A small amount of vinegar added to water when
mixing will retard hardening. Press Putty firmly into cavity, filling completely, smoothing off with putty knife. Try
to remove any excess putty before it is thoroughly hardened. Allow it to dry completely. If needed, smooth and
finish with sandpaper.

HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS For normal household use, mix Durham’s and water to a fairly stiff consistency, like dough. Press Putty firmly
into cavity, filling completely, smoothing off with putty knife. Try to remove any excess putty before it is
thoroughly hardened. If necessary, clean around area with a wet cloth. Let stand about 20 minutes, Putty will
be like hard soap. At this stage, you can shave off the excess with a putty knife, leaving very little sanding to be
done. This method gives a firm, smooth texture. Putty at this stage can be shaved, cut or carved easily. When
thoroughly dry, in 40 or more minutes, Putty will become very hard. It is best to let it set about 8 hours before
sanding if an especially smooth, light ivory surface is desired. For craft items, or large mass, let dry longer.

COLORING Putty dries to a natural cream color. Because of its hardness, Durham’s will NOT take most surface stains. It can
be colored by mixing with a dry pigment, water-based stain or water-based paint. Do not mix with any oil-based
material, as Putty may not harden. Experiment with dark colors, since too much coloring may affect the mixture.

CAUTION: Putty must be thoroughly dry before painting. Total drying time depends on size, humidity and temperature.
Putty will withstand weather, if kept painted and sealed from moisture. On outside work, paint will peel from
Water Putty if it is still damp. Putty is not waterproof and will absorb moisture, as from underneath porch or
deck floors and from condensation within walls. If there is movement between floor boards, or expansion and
contraction, Putty may become loose. Putty expands slightly as it dries helping it to “stick and stay put,”
however, this expansion may cause Putty to “pop” from a smooth concave surface. Do not use thin paint-like

HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: Proper eye protection should be worn. Dust may cause slight eye irritation. In case
of contact with eyes, rinse with water. Use product in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust. NIOSH
approved dust respirator may be required when generating dust. Avoid ingestion. May generate heat while
drying – do not apply to skin.